American Journal of Mathematics and Physics Application (AJMPA)—Open Access Journal

American Journal of Mathematics and Physics Application (AJMPA) ISSN: (2290-8887) is an international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open-access journal which consists of Mathematics and physics-based concepts. American Journal of Mathematics and Physics Application (AJMPA) provides an advanced forum for mathematical applications and physics from all fields. American Journal of Mathematics and Physics Application (AJMPA) publishes bi-monthly (2 months/publication or 6 times a year) online by SDIP PRESS.

  • Open Access free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • Rapid publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 4-7 working days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken within 5 working days.


Impact Factor: 4.75 Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science

American Journal of Mathematics and Physics Application (AJMPA) - Latest Articles

Open Access Category: AJMPA Total View - 229
About Role of Magnetism to the Saturn rings Origin Paper ID: AJMPA-31-10-2019-150
Abstract : In this paper origin of Saturn rings due to interaction of the protoplanetary icy particles moving on chaotic orbits with the planetary magnetic field is presented. Finally, all the particles orbits coming to the magnetic equator plane due to diamagnetic force of expulsion where locked within three-dimensional magnetic well due to the Meissner phenomenon and Abrikosov quantum vortex for a superconductor. The final picture is similar to the picture of iron particles forms the same shape around a magnet on laboratory table. The suggested model is confirmed by the data of the Cassini mission
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Open Access Category: AJMPA Total View - 125
Exponentially-fitted Third-Order Adams-Bashfort Method Paper ID: AJMPA-11-10-2019-135
Abstract : In this paper, the construction of Exponentially-Fitted (EF) versions of the third-order Adam-Bashfort method for oscillatory problems is presented. The convergence and stability properties of the constructed methods are investigated. Numerical experiments confirming the theoretical expectations regarding the constructed methods compared with other standard classical methods are also presented.
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Open Access Category: AJMPA Total View - 116
Turbulence birth from Poiseuille flow curvature Paper ID: AJMPA-11-10-2019-134
Abstract : In this paper, we considered the well-known parabolic velocity field of Poiseuille flow, as a Riemannian manifold. Calculations of both first and second fundamental forms allowed mean and Gauss curvatures of the paraboloid of revolution, to be calculated. From the Lamb form of Navier-Stokes equation, we calculated both the flexion product and enstrophy giving the Lamb vector divergence as a function of Gauss curvature of the laminar velocity field. These results allowed the stability of Poiseuille flow to be investigated through the influence of maximum flow curvature and the Lamb vector divergence. We showed that classical critical Reynolds number approach is not enough to explain the change from laminar to transition flow regime. A new method, based on Gauss curvature calculation of the Riemannian manifold is then proposed.
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Open Access Category: AJMPA Total View - 357
Free Semi-Group Introductions Paper ID: AJMPA-01-10-2019-127
Abstract : Let and be without two semi-groups. We characterize outside direct result of two free semi-groups as an arranged pair of words with the end goal that and. We explore the introductions of the outer direct result of free semi-groups, state and demonstrate under certain conditions that the outer direct result of two limited created free semi-groups is limited produced, likewise the outside direct result of two limited exhibited free semi-groups is limitedly introduced
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Open Access Category: AJMPA Total View - 157
The connection of physical fields with material media: The nature and origins of dark matter and dark Energy Paper ID: AJMPA-27-09-2019-110
Abstract : Investigation of the mathematical physics equations, which describe material media such as thermodynamic, gas-dynamic and cosmic and other media, shows that they possess hidden invariant properties. Such properties correspond to that of field theory equations, which describe physical fields. This discloses a mechanism of physical fields generation by material media. Such specific properties of mathematical physics equations are connected with conservation laws. They are described by skew-symmetric differential forms which properties correspond to conservation laws.
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